Doubling the Parma-La Spezia railway line
The project is part of the Pontremolese infrastructural improvement and concerns the doubling of the section between Solignano village and the P.d.M. of Osteriazza. The track has a length of about 11 km and is designed for a travel speed of 160 km/h. The most significant works of art are the Taro and Galgana viaducts, built with mixed steel and concrete decks with spans of about 40 m; the Marta Giulia natural tunnel, about 3.3 km long; the new artificial tunnel that underpasses the A15 motorway; the Osteriazza road subway built using the “pipe-pusher “ technique; as well as other minor railway bridges built with steel beams encased in concrete and several manholes under the railway line.
location: Solignano, Parma
client: Rete Ferroviaria Italiana
year: 2007-2014
project cost: €21.000.000
services: Static Testing