Museum of African Art Brazzaville Museum of African Art Brazzaville

The project involved a study of different functions that had to coexist in a single building: the headquarters of the Africanews editorial office and a museum of African art with related office space. The intention was therefore to find an inspirational motif involving the entire design of the lot. The theme of "wall decoration", reinterpreted in a contemporary key, influenced the idea of the project: a solid outer cladding, almost as if wanting to protect itself from the outside, made of ceramic in which the geometry of the design has given rise to a chromatic variation of the elements making up the façade, which is characterised by stained glass windows and cuts. An outer curtain is contrasted by a totally transparent 'inner skin' surrounding the courtyard. In addition to the inner garden overlooked by the museum and the entrance hall, there is a boutique, a conference room and a bookshop. On the upper floors, in addition to the museum gallery, there are projection rooms, press offices, a library and multimedia rooms. Emerging from this curtain wall, there are the 2 glass towers whose facades, angular as "crystals", become true "beacons" of reference for the city; the first of 9 floors serves as the museum's headquarters, the second of 15 as the headquarters of the Africanews.

location: Brazzaville, Congo
client: Entreprise Franco Villarecci
year: 2014-in corso
project cost: €50.000.000
services: Progettazione Architettonica